I love Ducks, it is kind of a new thing for me.
I just love the colors in this picture!
Well here I am 2dpo and I am feeling great. I had been having really bad cramping the last few days but today I feel good. I haven't been sleeping very well and I am guessing that is from the HCG shot which is the pregnancy hormone shot. I always get my hopes up while being realistic but this month I am going with full hope. I am choosing to assume it worked until I know otherwise. Last night we were laying in bed and I heard Steven start counting months and I asked what he was doing, even though I kind of knew. He told me he was counting 9 months from now and he said that he has never done that before. We both said a November baby would be amazing! It was great to hear him seem so hopeful, he always is but it always surprises me to hear how hopeful he is after so long. When I was laying in bed I thought to myself that I wouldn't trade this time in for a baby 3 years ago. Although it has been the most painful time of my life, Steven and I have grown so much closer to each other and God. I love Steven more than anything and I am praying to give him a November Baby. So for the next 13 days I am choosing to be a complete homebody. I asked the nurse what I could do this month to make the 4th time stick and she just kept saying Relax, relax, relax. So that is what I am doing. I am working from the couch and walking around at a slower pace. I am also visualizing my baby in my arms. I am trying to keep the house clean, but not trying to do it all at once. I am also believing believing and believing that this is our month. The nurse told me to get into a good book but I have chose to try and finish a knitting project. I am currently working on a baby sweater and I will be starting a brown baby hat for my newest nephew to come...Henry! So that is where I am right now...hope I stay as hopeful over the next 13 days!
i'm hoping... cause i'd love to have you steal all the attention at my baby shower with your great new news!
any new status? for those of us who want to know what is going on???
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